This is my first tme on this forum so i feel the need ti explain how i ended up here . starting for the last 16 years every electronic device i have owned has been hacked to the point that they are useless uncluding my vehicle, and they must have something in my hime because whatever it is i can hear it. im a good looking guy but gazung at me taking a dump cant be pretty (kidding) it all started with a drunken night surfing the net. This was in the early days of the internet where the rules were fuzzy, at best. anyway, of course, the surfing ended uo on adult sights. as i surfed there i stayed on mainstream urls google/bing to be specific. I didnt know it was a scheme where you were redirected to illegal material created by them with no labels or warnings. im a curiius guy and i suppose a bit nieve to think how could this be wrong if its google & michrosoft? anyway, i was extreemly pissed when i learned of this entrapment and asked fir a chance to defend myself , you know thar due process thing in the consitution. of course absolute silence but esculated assalts on my property. i lost count of the number of pieces years ago. the internet isnt big enough fir me to tell everything and i need help so id like to get to my queston soon. What i feel are the most over the top actions are disabling my heater fan on a isolated highway here in Montana when it was -35 degrees outside, when i tried to call the DOJ directly because my email are interceoted & deleted i guess u got the 3rd grade hangup game. suddenlyvmy phine was muted and they hung up. it git so bad a few years back becsuse whos going to believe you? if tgey do its automatic your a child molester or somehow deserve the abuse that i drank a 16 oz glass of antifreeze to end it. by this time my every move was being monitored but di you think they might make a phine call ti get ne help? i am pretty mean when i write notes to them but demaning consitutional rights must be a pretty serious offence to these people. on a daily basis now im am harassed from morning to night with privoking attacks such as deleting my apps and installing stuff i dont want as well as greying our half of my settings. i am litterly held hostage to google and that damn play services app. again its impossibe to attempt to give all my reasons but i can tell you that the drama queens in Denver have no insterst in any kind of resolutuins seeing how 16 years into this game i have yet to recieve a single response to any attempted line of communucation. thier response is always the same , esculation & harassment. its esculated to the point they will hack and cide malware into a devuce before i get it to the register to pay for it. This isnt law enforcement any longer it straight up a vugilante war projected by a state sponsored harassmet gang stalking group optuerrating under the cover the pretext of ligitmate cinduct. ok theres much much more but im here because u want a operating system that i have a fighting chance of not being corrupted at will. i am not computer savy as i spend 95% of my time trying to rrepair the dirty little start up sabatoges until the repair functions are sabatoged . thousands of attempts later i have been unable to make a single install flash drive that isnt so altered i might as well use what little resources i have to start the fireplace. i thought i had one with venroy tonight but they were deleting or adding instructions in real time. its a shame the highest law enforcement agency in this country has chosen to put their complete focus on dirty tricks, malicious cyber attacks and operating outside of the rules they make up as they go plus putting a premium on making sure you are clueless about everything. lately they have even been altering finachial transactions i make through my bank. cancelling subscriptions etc… i would gladly face these people in any real court of law . i have been asking for a warrant of over a decade now,!!! i will stand behind every word ive said in here. im no saint but i certainly dont deserve to be hunted down like osama bin laden or to not even have the rights granted to non citizens. can anyone help me get a os that isnt corrupted ? my only success iis i have captured a lot of the software force installed im willing to give to anyone developing real apps to shield from this abuse. im not allowed to have vpns etc and they do excel at erasing data but i have a subsrantial amount of hard drives and phone guts ill donate. i have nowhere else to turn for help and thats their strenght. i would prefer to have this just stop, take the normal due process steps, or at least drop the wanna be drama superhero game but it seems the endless cycle of esculation, sneak attacks on my property are the only game they want to play. my email is my cell is 1-406-590-6807. if i sound a bit confrintational should you require any additional information please be undersranding that there is no dirty trick left unturned by these people as tthey have also pretended to be me online for what reasons idk but its been done on facebook as well.
Thomaa Gehl
Great Falls, Mt
i have no problem providing you with logon information & passwords if you want to investigate. im not hiding anyting. net the denver office cant (without lying)