Bliss OS no internet connection

Good morning, sigma! I hope you still trying to fix this issue, let me explain you the steps I followed to allow Internet on my Bliss OS qube!

First choose a Bliss OS .iso. I recommend not installing Go version but that should not be a problem. I installed Bliss OS normal 15.9 if you want to install the same version

Download Bliss OS and its sha256 file and check both checksums are equal, just to avoid possible strange errors.

Prepare Bliss OS qube, with enough space (almost 8GB), give enough ram (almost 2gb) don’t include qube in memory ballancing, and ensure the internet qube is sys-firewall, very important because ip address, gateway and dns need to be assigned to the qube. Save settings until you can see in qube settings that in net qube section, IP, netmask, gateway and virtual dns are being assigned, very important!

Install Bliss OS. I recommend you to prepare partition for OTA updates. I have no idea if necessary, but worked in my case. I also recommend installing grub2 initializer. Also i recommend creating partition with dos tag instead of gtp tag if asked (when creating the partition)

Next follow this steps to boot Bliss OS in a qube (maybe u know but just to write down all steps):

When booted, try to open Smart Dock and give requested permissions. Is not mandatory, but will make things easier

Next open apps menu and find one called “Bliss Ethernet Manager”. That’s why i told u to check checksums, if checksums are correct, this app might be installed, which is the key here. Open the app

Change the IP Assignment to “Static”, change IP address to the same qube IP assigned address with mask (e.g: ip:, mask: Then you write IP Address:, change Gateway address to the one assigned to the qube (e.g:, and add both DNS Addresses separated with a comma (e.g:, Finally press “Interface Down” button (if nothing happens, try the “Interface Up”, but should be “Interface Down” correct). Bliss OS should be restart, and you might see in notification area that no WiFi option is available but Internet instead. Try to open any page in the browser, it might work!!

I hope this thread is not much Bliss OS specific, the key is simply using the Bliss OS ethernet app and assign the same qubes addresses

Hope this works to you, let me know!