Blackscreen when trying to install or boot on my laptop

When attempting to install Qubes, I’m able to access the installation menu

i have tried all the options. However, when I click “install,” the system black screens and reboots after
approximately 1 minute. I’ve also tried installing Qubes on a USB drive and booting from it, but encountered the same

System Specifications:

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 7640U
GPU: AMD Radeon 760M


Do you mean clicking on “Begin installation” here:

Or select “Install Qubes OS” here?

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Install Qubes OS

Did you try starting the “Test media and install Qubes OS”?
It’d check your installation media before starting Qubes OS installer to make sure that installation media is not corrupted.

Also try to start “Install Qubes OS using kernel-latest”.

Regardless of the option I select, the displays turn black and reboots after a minute . I don’t see any text on the screen, so I’m not sure if it fail or if there is an error.

Maybe your installation media is corrupted.
Try to re-verify the installation media:

I’ve rewritten the media two times and verifying each time with PGP and checksum.

Edit the “Install Qubes OS” GRUB menu entry like this:

But instead of adding qubes.skip_autostart, remove rhgb quiet and add plymouth.enable=0 kernel command line option.
Then try to boot it.
This should show you log output.

I only have this when doing it on the "Install Qubes OS R4.2.3

Remove quiet and add plymouth.enable=0 instead of it.

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It just reboots and shows nothing like before.

What if you remove quiet and add nomodeset?

It briefly displayed some text on the screen, for less than a frame. The details are: 0x7777:7mc1:0x77.0x0: ROM: 0x7777 bytes at 0x (I redacted some parts as I’m unsure if they contain hardware identifiers, so I replaced some of it with 7).

When i ask an ai chatbot it says i its a bios thing

Try to boot with these GRUB options:
Add noreboot=1 at the end of the line starting with multiboot2.
Remove quiet and add panic=0 at the end of the first line starting with module2.
Maybe you’ll be able to see the log without the instant reboot.

Also the details of the log that you posted are not providing any clues, maybe try to make a photo and redact the numbers but leave the words visible to understand what’s happening.

Its a bad image i am sorry i was not able to get a better screenshot.
I this it says 0x0000:0mc1:0x00.0x0: ROM: 0x3000 bytes at 0x

Is that the only thing you see? Just this one line?

I had a much similar problem when trying to start the installation. After a few days of playing, I found a winning combination that might help you too.

Essential steps:

  • Format USB with DD (if you have Windows use Rufus)

  • In BIOS - Enable “CSV” in [BOOT options] (UEFI + LEGACY)

  • Start Booting from USB via BOOT MENU, and choose the option that does not have UEFI in the name (Legacy Boot, not UEFI)

  • Select the first option after success boot: “Instal Qubes OS Rx.x.x” press “e” (edit option) before selecting, and add: quiet splash nomodeset

  • “don’t forget IOMMU” in BIOS in your case for AMD find: AMD-Vi, or AMD I/O Virtualization Technology, default option is “Automatic”, set to “Enable

I realy hope after this You are gonna to say CHEERS :cowboy_hat_face:

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Sometimes in BIOS/EFI one must turn off Secure Boot before getting options to do Legacy Boot.

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