It is not available in the standard debian repo.
I cannot see any repo which I can manually add to the /etc/apt/... files
I do not want to make a standalone for this app.
I want to use it in an (standard) AppVM without network (therefore I would like to have it my debian template).
When I add an external repo, I clone the debian-11 template for it. So debian-11-github or whatever.
Using apt install instead of dpkg -i for the deb should add the external repo as well, re updates? But this might depend upon the deb - it worked for me with Visual Studio Code.
My recommended way to install standalone .deb without any way to systematically updating them is using a standalone. See the last part of the above-linked tutorial.
You can also follow the same instructions to install it in a template. But then that easily out-of-date software without being signed by a distro can compromise your template.
Just make your judgement on what’s best. the minimal template + salt also sounds good.