November 10, 2022, 8:18pm
How can I…
Set up templates with, for example, browsers configured with Arkenfox’s user.js and uBlock Origin so that any Qubes (Including disposable VMs) based on them will already have them set up from the get-go?
I would never, ever, ever, never start any browser in a qube that has term template
in it’s prefs or name. Instead of this, this is how I do it. Read it all the way down from this point.
Beside useful @unman ’s tip, I’m thinking on how to set this for disposableVM, for any browser.
Download, not install, all the desired addons to a spare place.
Set browsing dvm-template's netVM temporarily to none
Open browser in offline mode in a disposableVM.
Copy and install all the addons.
Set the other browser’s settings as desired.
Just in case clear whole cache.
Finally, copy such set browser’s profile to a template's /etc/skel/
Create completely new `dvm-template’ (see @unman ’s post a…