Beginner, creating a new template and qube


another question about Qubes OS and trying to understand Cubes and cloning.

What do I want to do?
I like to install another program inside Whonix-ws-15, but I guess it does not make a difference, if this would be a fedora cube/template.

I like to create a clone, since I dont like to mess up the Whonix-ws-15 orginal setup.

Since I am new to Qubes OS, I would do the following (feedback is welcome):

I would clone the template “Whonix-ws-15” and give it a new name - let say “Whonix-ws-15-clone”
Inside this clone I will install the new software.

After that, I will create a new Application-Cube, lets say I call it “TestCube”.
The “TestCube” I would set up as:

Menu “create new cube”

Name and lable: TestCube
Type: Qube base on a template (AppVM)
Template: Whonix-ws-15-clone ->the newly one I created
Networking: sys-Whonix
Advanced: nothing check marked

Now that I have 2 Whonix-ws-15 templates, I have to update them separatly, right?

This way I can try out software etc. If I am done with it, I can always delete the “TestCube” as well as the template “Whonix-ws-15-clone” and still have my original setup of Cubes OS.

If there is a better solution or something I have to keep in mind, please let me know…still learning…
Thanks !


I’d create a standalone qube copied from a template (whonix-ws-15) and then I’d install some software in the new StandaloneVM via its terminal.

That’s it. What you described is a good way of testing some random scenario, or even troubleshoot things without breaking anything.
keep on. (remember to install software in the template, it is something that beginner forget often)

one thing to keep in mind, is often whonix apps are made to play well with the whonix-gw, so may not be torrified properly depending on what your installing, you can take a look at how for example the Hexchat app is routed via the whonix-gw.

*pretty much always a smart idea to have a clean clone around if you have the disk space to fall back on, ESP if what you are installing is not a package in the repos …