Bash salt

Dear all,
I am trying to set up a Standalone qube with miniconda installed using salt. It worked before the last update to 4.2.3. After the update i get an error “: …code-block:: bash.” Do you have any work around solution?
I could not find anything useful on the salt website.
Here is a example of the code:

Step 1: Download the Miniconda installer

- name: |
apt install wget
wget {{ conda_url }} -O {{ download_path }}

Step 2: Verify the SHA-256 checksum of the installer

- name: |
if [ “$(sha256sum {{ download_path }} | awk ‘{print $1}’)” != {{ conda_sha256 }} ]; then
echo “SHA256 checksum does not match!”
exit 1
- require:
- cmd: download_conda

Step 3: Install Miniconda if the SHA-256 checksum is correct

- name: bash {{ download_path }} -b -p {{ conda_path }}
- creates: {{ conda_path }}
- require:
- cmd: verify_conda_sha256

Step 4: Initialize Conda for the user

- name: {{ conda_path }}/bin/conda init bash
- runas: user
- require:
- cmd: install_conda

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Guessing: where it says

- name: {{ conda_path }}/bin/conda init bash

verify that the expected miniconda command is actually conda init bash.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was conda init --bash or conda init -bash or conda init "bash" or something along those lines.

If my guess is correct, the miniconda documentation is the right place to look.

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If i comment last step out, i still get the same error. In the official documentation conda init —all would do the job.

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Maybe it’s bash in the step 3. Bad path?

Or nothing at all. You should’ve specified which step failed and some context for “: …code-block:: bash.”.

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The problem is solved. There was a typo in the qubesctl line…

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