I run qube-backup in a special backup-qube (debian12 template) which worked already fine. But now I made a backup which ended with an input output error and dom0 shows that VM pool is out of space. By starting the backup-qube I also get a message:
Cannot create new thin volume, free space in thin pool qubes_dom0/vm-pool reached threshold.
I deleted two old templates and there are now round about 13 GB free space again but nothing changes.
I already had once this problem with Kali and this was really hard to get the Linux booting again. Looks quite similar to me this problem. But here you cannot run secure boot and run apt autoremove (or even bleachbit)
If there would be a way to open the storage of the backup qube I am able to delete an old backup.
This s*** should really not happen if you make a backup the backup client should check if there is enough space or something else. Perhaps there should always be space hold for starting qubes.
You can try to boot from some Live OS (disconnect your computer from network just in case), decrypt your Qubes OS disk, mount your backup-qube volume there and move the files from there to some spare disk:
Then boot in Qubes OS and remove the backup-qube qube so it’ll free up the space.
Qubes os is booting this is not the problem the problem is that I deleted appqubes with shown 200GB storage use and he shows VM pool is 100 GB free space but be still tells me can not start appqubes because of no free disk
The backup-qube can hog up to 2 TB of data in the pool because it has 1 current private storage image that can be up to 1 TB and one previous private storage image that can be also up to 1 TB (by default revisions_to_keep=2).
Before I also delete this let me explain why I removed other appvm with 200gb because I think if there are 100 GB free in vm-pool there should be the possibility it run sys-usb to export some files. But this didn’t work.
It seems to me that there is anyone a bug which tells by creation of vm-pool it is full. Perhaps he has written a thin volumen and not deleted it after shutdown
I don’t know how it works, I can only assume that backup-qube somehow reserved the space in the pool but there was not enough space in the pool for it. E.g. backup-qube reserved 1 TB of space in the pool but the pool only have 200 GB free space so it’s stuck. And other qubes can’t reserve the space either because the backup-qube has priority in space reservation as first come first served.
But it’s just a guess.
What information about disk usage do you see in the Qubes Disk Space Monitor widget?
Do you have the same error message when you try to start any qube? E.g. for sys-usb:
Qube sys-usb has failed to start: Cannot create new thin volume, free space in thin pool qubes_dom0/vm-pool reached threshold.