Backup finished but nothing happened, proper procedure is a mystery

I created a backup on Machine A and installed QubesOS on Machine B to migrate.

Then I followed all the steps in How to back up, restore, and migrate | Qubes OS

At the end Qubes-Backup-Restore states that it has “finished succesfully!”

At the bottom it mentions that restored dom0 files are located in ~/home-restore- directory.

Other than that absolutely nothing happened.

My Machine B does not contain any of the qubes of Machine A.

I tried looking for hidden files but I can’t find any folder starting with home-restore* anywhere.

What’s the deal?

Am I supposed to do something after step 6? (When you are ready, click Next. Qubes will proceed to restore from your backup. Once the progress bar has completed, you may click Finish.)

By any chance, in the restore utility, did you check “test the backup integrity”? If so, this only extract data and check integrity without restoring anything.


facepalm yes…

The GUI text cuts off almost immediatly after “Verify backup integrity…”

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Indeed, this is actually a bug because such a tooltip should be visible.

The “good” news is that if you restore, it checks integrity on the fly :+1:

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