Audio qube

I’m missing visual feedback, is there any relevant package I can use to show current status(percentage/muted) and on key-binded press for up/down/mute?

Good guide, thank you.

If you just want to make sure up/down/mute work as expected, you can press those keybindings while running pavucontrol inside sys-audio.

You can install the pasystray package in sys-audio, it’ll at least show muted/unmuted status and you can open Volume Control through this tray icon.

Thanks, didn’t see that.

Thanks, I’m aware. I want to be able to see current status.

Thanks. Tried that, but I see the icon as white square, similar to sys-net.

It looks fine for me on default Qubes OS 4.2 setup with Xfce, seems to be a KDE issue.

will this configuration allow you to attach bluetooth headphones to a standaloneVM? More specifically, an android VM?

Hi, I could not get pipewire installed. It says ‘no match for argument: pipwire-qubes’

I tried to add audio devices to the VM but now sound doesnt work at all. My output device is missing from pulseaudio. Any recommendations on how i can fix this?

I don’t really understand what you are trying to do.

What is an “android VM” ? What OS does it really run ? how do you install packages on it ? and then you need to find how to install the qubes os packages on it. But you really should not try to make it an audiovm, or, you could, but be ready to suffer a bit

The standard way would be to create an audiovm following this guide (no standalone, no ‘android vm’), nothing related to an “android vm”. Once everything work correctly, setup your “android vm” (nothing related to audio), and install the required qubesos packages on your “android vm” so it can communicate and integrate with qubesos tools

From boot to boot, PulseAudio configuration(within sys-audio) is missing completely, printing “No cards available for the configuration”. Meaning I don’t have sound and I can’t enable it.

Is there any command to re-enable it?

Was this bug after the in place upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2?

android-x86. Its an .iso

Did you ever solve this? I’m also getting this:

Jan 13 00:56:30 sys-audio pipewire[1724]: mod.qubes-audio: not specified, and no /qubes-audio-domain-xid entry in QubesDB
Jan 13 00:56:30 sys-audio pipewire[1724]: pw.conf: 0x58c6705941e0: could not load mandatory module "libpipewire-module-qubes": No such file or directory
Jan 13 00:56:30 sys-audio pipewire[1724]: default: failed to create context: No such file or directory
Jan 13 00:56:30 sys-audio systemd[661]: pipewire.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=254/n/a

To answer my own question, this happens when sys-audio has no ‘audiovm’ property set, this fixes it:

qvm-prefs sys-audio audiovm sys-audio
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Didn’t upgrade. Fresh install.

If you do this, though, you can’t shut sys-audio down (if you ever need to do so) because it is being used as an audio qube by sys-audio. Just something to watch out for.

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Yeah, I know. You can shell into it and do sudo shutdown -h now though. A bit of a trade off, I chose to get rid of that error :slight_smile:


Yes, it’s much better than it not working at all! :smiley:

That said, I was one of those people who couldn’t get sys-audio to work at all in 4.1 (before someone consolidated the eight zillion posts including comments that started out with, “oh I forgot to tell you to try…”, all into one clean thread). I might give it another go after upgrading to 4.2. (Laptop in progress, desktop comes later.)

I’m not fully there yet either. I got USB speakers and a USB microphone and just got now got it all connected tot sys-audio and showing up in volume control. Up to today the microphone only worked inside sys-audio until I figured out I had to attach dom0:mic to the qube that needed the microphone… Now it sees it, and it records stuff, but it is stuttering all the time :frowning:

I’d be happy if it would just play audio over my speakers. I think I saw somewhere that HDMI might not work. (And I have to use HDMI; this mini has no audio jack at all–next one will have it; I’m tired of losing audio when the screens shut off after ten minutes).