Audio qube

I don’t know if anyone here recalls but I went through a seemingly endless round of attempts to get the audio qube working back before this topic was created. I never did get to work.

The likely cause of that was that my audio was going through HDMI. So I went and got a dingus of some sort that gave me a headphone jack on USB, and following the instructions here I was able to get the audio qube working.


Yet I don’t use it for two reasons 1) my sound quality is noticeably poorer with it and 2) I can’t permanently attach the audio device to the audio qube because it changes ID every time I boot the computer.

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To make the cache work properly across VM restarts, the policy file needs to allow admin.Events +property-reset:xid. The policy parser however does not appear to allow colons and views it as an invalid character so I had to allow all events. Adding the following to the policy file allows audio to continue working across VM restarts.

admin.Events          *    sys-audio     @tag:audiovm-sys-audio                allow   target=dom0
  1. my sound quality is noticeably poorer with it

Do you have more infos, quality of what, input (microphone) ? output ? using Jack ? HDMI ? USB ? Bluetooth ? what does it sound like, laggy, others ?

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Did some first tests, seems to work but will wait more confirmations.
Can you try this policy instead ?

admin.Events          +property-reset-xid    sys-audio     @tag:audiovm-sys-audio                allow   target=dom0
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Looks like it matches with underscore

admin.Events          +property-reset_xid    sys-audio     @tag:audiovm-sys-audio                allow   target=dom0

Note that if you look in the policy in the salt files included in Qubes /srv/formulas/base/virtual-machines-formula/qvm/sys-audio.sls on dom0, it uses *.


Thanks a lot ! :slight_smile: I am updating this guide

(I prefere to avoid using “*” if possible)

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@neowutran What packages do you need to install in the fedora-minimal template in order to get this working?

I seriously doubt it’s caused by the sys-audio qube. This is audio (playing music), through a jack plugged into something that converts it to USB. The “something” (a piece of hardware) is probably at fault. It’s not laggy, stuttering or anything else, it just doesn’t sound as good as it does when I plug the jack into an HDMI splitter.

I do need to check to see if this sys-audio will work with the HDMI splitter. I’ve just realized that I have been assuming it won’t and that that’s part of why I couldn’t get it to work before you started working the issue. I need to check that assumption.

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In theory, the one already mentionned in the guide are enough

You guys are awesome, thanks to everyone involved.

So, is manual patching of the source code off the table or still is required? If still is required, what for? What would be different if user does not patch the source code?

Thanks to the suggestion of @quazzle , patching the source code should not be required anymore


I am having an issue when setting up the sys-audio VM in my Framwork 13 AMD. The microphone works well in dom0, but when I pass through the audio device to sys-audio, the microphone is dead (ie registers no sound at all, and there is no level bar in pavucontrol). I have had to enable “no-strict-reset” to pass the device, but even if I hide it from dom0 and pass it, I still have the same issue with a non-working microphone. I wonder if anyone has seen this before.