
how can I remove the audio model on a qube

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Not sure about audio-model, but if you want to stop qube from using audio then you can set its audiovm to none:

qvm-prefs MySilentQubeName audiovm none
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just tried that and it still shows i have an audio model

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Where are you checking this?
Do you want your qube to not be able to output the sound through your speakers or specifically to not have audio model?

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to have no audio model at all Im checking this by qvm-features qube audio-model

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You can remove the feature like this:

qvm-features --unset qube audio-model

But it still could have some default audio model if this feature is not set. I don’t know the details.
You can try to disable audio-model like this:

qvm-features qube audio-model False

But I don’t know whatever it’ll work, it’s just a guess.


–unset one worked

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