I have a strange issue that has occurred, I think, some time in maybe the last 4-8 weeks.
Fedora 38 template
VLC 3.0.20 Vetinari (revision 3.0.20-0-g6f0d0ab126b)
Qubes 4.1
When I try to play either audio files (mp3, flac,…) or video (mp4, mvk, …), VLC will throw errors saying
Audio output failed:
The audio device "default" could not be used:
Host is down.
I have tried changing the Preferences -> Audio -> Output Module
but no change. And have “reset” VLC by removing $HOME/.config/vlc
What is more confusing is I can get audio from other applications, e.g.
Playing the same files that VLC has audio issues with using apps like kid3
or mpv
Youtube via Firefox
What happens if you remove ~/.config/pulse/
, reboot the qube and try again?
same result. problem persists
January 11, 2024, 4:11pm
How did you install vlc?
I had to switch from VLC from flatpak because of this problem, the one from rpmfusion doesn’t seem to support pulseaudio
it is from rpmfusion which has worked until recent.
I will try flatpak. or maybe just move to mpv, smplayer
You may try to install these packages in a test template to diagnose/check if it helps:
vlc vlc-extras python3-vlc vlc-core vlc-devel phonon-qt5-backend-vlc libvlcpp-devel alsa-plugins-pulseaudio alsa-ucm alsa-utils pavucontrol pipewire-utils pulseaudio pulseaudio-libs-glib2 qubes-audio-daemon xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin pulseaudio-qubes qubes-audio-daemon
Some of them are already installed, some probably aren’t necessary, but you can try them using test template.
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January 11, 2024, 10:24pm
interesting, did that group of packages and the error message changes when I try a video
VLC could not decode the format "eac3" (A/52 B Audio (aka E-AC3))
But I can now hear audio when I play flac files
Great. Last issue is VLVC related, it is known for that specific problem. You can check their forum for that.
Please consider to mark my post as a solution so it could help others with the same or similar issue.
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February 4, 2024, 11:53pm
This mess was caused by VLC being moved into the Fedora repos in late December.
I followed the solution above that fixed audio but left a problem:
VLC could not decode the format "hevc"
I deduce this was because I had ffmpeg installed as well and there were further conflicts. Solution:
sudo dnf autoremove
sudo dnf group upgrade --with-optional Multimedia --allowerasing
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was the package I needed to resolve the audio issue after upgrade to F38.
April 28, 2024, 1:43am
@icequbes1 This was spot on for me. Thanks for posting your solution.
April 28, 2024, 1:48am
@tempmail out of all the suggested packages the alsa-plugins-pulseaudio was the package that work in this instance. Thanks for your post.
Wonderful! Thanks for the great tips! So how do we install the alsa-plugins-pulseaudio? Guess I will go try a few things and if something works, then I will post it here for the more simpler among us, such as myself for example.
This is NOT in the available plugins in the VLC Plugins and Extensions>Plugins tab
In the fedora template for all AppVM’s
sudo dnf install alsa-plugins-pulseaudio