Attaching Webcam to VM

howdy peeps,
little issue with devices
i am not able to see or attach usb device to qube.
i have microphone that says can be attached to qubes in the usb list in the system tray.
but the webcam that i have plugged in does not appear in the list.
it does appear in the lsusb, but not in xl usb-list

how can i attach the webcam to a guest please?

thank you

should say using qubes 4.2.0-rc4

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Update Qubes OS to the latest stable release first.


What is the best and easiest way to achieve this?

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Will it break everything and make things not work, again?

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Clean installation:

Thanks, but those instructions don’t tell me how to upgrade.

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You asked for the best and easiest way to achieve updating Qubes OS to the latest stable release, so I provided a clean installation method as requested.


They are 2 very different things.

If I am forced to do a reinstallation, then I need another 2 hard drives so that I can do so and keep my data.

So please, tell me how to do what you told me to do and UPDATE to the latest.

Not do what you said latest which was UPDATE by not updating.

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The Qubes OS documentation only has official upgrade guides for major and minor versions, not patches, so use this resource instead:

Where are these upgrade guides then please?

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lol, thanks. you edited your post as I was posting. lol

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Well, that updater only says there are no updates for my dom0.

The updating can’t even detect my OS version or anything either.
And it can’t find half the packages it requires for things…

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Can’t install the latest version.
The version I have is the latest that actually has a working installer.

Keeps freezing for the install before changing the resolution.

So unfortunately I’m stuck on 4.2.0-RC4

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Well, 4.2.3 is officially broken.

4.2.3 hates NVIDIA GPUs
4.2.0-RC4 is the latest one that works correctly.

I have to have an AMD to get any display, but now I can’t run more than 2 displays, 1 at 1920x1080 and one at 1680x1050

Makes sense why the installer doesn’t work, installer broken too. The whole Linux Variant is screwed up.

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okay, all installed and working, so now, how do I get it through?

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What webcam model are you attempting to use?

any, I’m asking a simple question… how do I pass the device through to the guest? It should work with a webcam, or USB drive, or headset, or microphone, or anything… .

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I had a slightly similar problem once, maybe…

Is it sure that a usb storage key is normally usable, when you connect it in place of the camera? (to be sure it is the device not the socket.

My procedure was:

  1. Identify the USB hub where the unusable device is connected
  2. Identify the PCI device where the hub is
  3. Verify that the PCI device is attached to sys-usb
  4. Verify that the PCI device is not in the same IOMMU group as some other device (I don’t know how to do that in Qubes-OS)

Variously, lsusb, lspci, qvm-device usb/PCI/etc can be helpful commands.

( My case was that some anonymous stupid person had persistently attached the USB controller to Dom0, but had not identified all the USB sockets it handled)

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Obligatory mention of here, but I think it does not have anything very specific to this case.