Archlinux template fails to build

Following the community guide for building archlinux (which I have used and worked in the past) no longer works. It spits out an error while running make qubes-vm about the kernel not supporting landlock. Is this a known issue and/or is there a workaround for it?

Hi @arkfox ,
since ~1 month, I see also this error message when I update my ArchLinux Qubes-OS templates:

[root@tpl-archlinux ~]# pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 qubes-r4.2-current-testing is up to date
 qubes-r4.2-current is up to date
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
error: restricting filesystem access failed because landlock is not supported by the kernel!
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do

I suggest you first search in the ArchLinux news and Linux Kernel news to understand what is landlock. Maybe an ArchLinux setting could disable it…
And remind that the used Linux Kernel is the kernel-vm from dom0, not the kernel from the template OS.


I should mention this is related to the archlinux-minimal template rather than the one in the community-testing repository.

I have an idea of what landlock is but this gets a bit complicated with the build scripts in place and no obvious solutions. Seems like an issue with the build script for vmm-xen not being compatible with archlinux after the move to landlock sandboxing but not sure if there was a workaround.

I figured I could use the archlinux template from community testing as an HVM with its own kernel to build the template but alas qubes-builder requires yum/dnf.