Apps are not opening

I have installed fedora40xfce, removed fedora39, updated and switch the templates to the new fedora40xfce. Now, the template is starting but firefox and all other apps are starting and shutting down immediately. What is the problem ?

Do you see an app window opening but closing immediately?
Or no window opens when you try to start the app?
Are app qubes (not disposables) based on fedora-40-xfce template starting and keep running or are they shutting down right after starting?
Try to open the terminal in the app qube using Qubes Domains widget in system tray → qubename → Run Terminal.

Yes, there is a banner popping up when the app is starting and immediately another banner pops up and says app shutting down. It happens in disposable and standard templates. The terminal in the standard template opens up. I have started firefox from the terminal. What can I do ?

Create a new app qube based on fedora-40-xfce template with net qube set to none and try to start “Run Terminal” app in this new qube for a test.

Yes, it is created and the terminal is open

Post the text of all these banners.
For example if you have this network connection for the personal qube:
personal ↔ sys-firewall ↔ sys-net
And you try to start personal qube, then it needs to start both sys-firewall and sys-net qubes before starting personal qube.
Maybe the sys-firewall or/and sys-net qube ara failing to start.
Try to start sys-net qube and see if it’ll be able to start or will it give you any error on start.

sys-firewall and sys-net are running. The templates start but when I want to lauch the app (i.e. firefox), it does not open. When I open the terminal and fire up Firefox from within, then it opens up.

The .desktop file name for firefox was changed.

Other apps should work fine.

qvm-ls --raw-data --fields NAME,TEMPLATE | grep “|fedora-40-xfce” | awk -F ‘|’ ‘{print $1}’ | xargs -I % sh -c ‘qvm-appmenus --get-whitelist % | sed “s/^firefox.desktop$/org.mozilla.firefox.desktop/g” | qvm-appmenus --set-whitelist - %’

is this the command that I have to run ?


now, how do I copy and paste into dom?

Save command in file and copy it like this:

can you pls check this syntax? is it the same as your command ?

qvm-ls --raw-data --fields NAME,TEMPLATE |grep"|fedora-40-xfce" | awk -F’|‘’{print$1}’ | xargs-I%sh -c’qvm-appmenus --get-whitelist% | sed"s/^firefox.desktop$/org.mozilla.firefox.desktop/g" | qvm-appmenus --set-whitelist -%’

You’re missing spaces in this command.
Just copy the command instead of typing it by hand to avoid typos.

the command returns an error. The source is the same of the destination and it says : no such file or directory

I had better reinstall the system. Thank you anyway. Bye