Anybody got pi-hole working on R4.2 Fedora?

Yet again I find myself in deep troubles while trying to do something that worked like a breeze out of the box in R4.0…

Now I cannot install pi-hole because a bunch of curl-minimal packages conflict with their regular curl equivalents. I cannot uninstall curl-minimal because it’s required by dnf itself. Checkmate I guess?

I get the exact same problem on both Fedora 38 and 39. Pi-hole claims to work on 38 at least so that’s why I’m posting here and not pi-hole

[i] Processing dnf install(s) for: cronie curl nmap-ncat lighttpd lighttpd-fastcgi php-common php-cli php-pdo php-xml php-json php-intl, please wait…

Last metadata expiration check: 1:39:10 ago on Sun Mar 10 13:09:03 2024.
Problem: problem with installed package curl-minimal-8.0.1-7.fc38.x86_64

  • package curl-minimal-8.0.1-7.fc38.x86_64 from @System conflicts with curl provided by curl-7.87.0-7.fc38.x86_64 from fedora
  • package curl-minimal-7.87.0-7.fc38.x86_64 from fedora conflicts with curl provided by curl-7.87.0-7.fc38.x86_64 from fedora
  • package curl-minimal-8.0.1-7.fc38.x86_64 from updates conflicts with curl provided by curl-7.87.0-7.fc38.x86_64 from fedora
  • conflicting requests
  • package curl-minimal-8.0.1-7.fc38.x86_64 from @System conflicts with curl provided by curl-8.0.1-7.fc38.x86_64 from updates
  • package curl-minimal-7.87.0-7.fc38.x86_64 from fedora conflicts with curl provided by curl-8.0.1-7.fc38.x86_64 from updates
  • package curl-minimal-8.0.1-7.fc38.x86_64 from updates conflicts with curl provided by curl-8.0.1-7.fc38.x86_64 from updates
    (try to add ‘–allowerasing’ to command line to replace conflicting packages or ‘–skip-broken’ to skip uninstallable packages)

It might be helpful if you could explain how you configured the system
before you tried to install that list of packages - where did you get the
list from?
Are you doing this in a template or a standalone?

That error message is what I get while trying to install pi-hole. Part of the install script is dnf commands.

The vm is standalonevm based on fedora-38-xfce vanilla template. Tried on 37 and 39 as well and they all fail with exact same error. The only change I made to the qube prior to installation attempt is disable selinux via the config (which is required by pi-hole)

This guide worked for me in 4.2; though it uses debian-minimal templates

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What is source of that update script?

Debian!! I can’t believe I didn’t think to try Debian. I’m supposed to be a Debian guy. Thanks! I’ll try this now and report back

Official install script from GitHub - pi-hole/pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements :
curl -sSL | bash

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Okay so… I got pi-hole working on debian-12… problem is I need pi-hole on the same qube as my VPN and network-manager apparently sucks on debian. It didn’t even have the network-manager-openvpn package and even after I installed it, it doesn’t connect and the VPN tab is blank. I cannot use VPN here. :person_facepalming:

I guess I’ll open another thread about that since this one’s solved… thanks all