Hi, is there someone who has managed to install an android vm.
I tried bliss os without success, after the text mode booting nothing can be seen. Probably some display problem. Playing with export DISPLAY=0:0 or other viewports did not help so I gave up.
It would be most interesting to simulate an acual android device like samsung tablet or the like,
Hi, I just wanted to share a small success story. I run android x86 on qubes. It is a bit slow with a laptop and tends to crash. If I allow for more storage it works.
Unfortunately, the private disk is not recognized e.g. as SD storage.
My use-case is to use organic maps for offline maps and travel planing. So the downloaded maps should go there to SD as I do it on my android devices, but I had to pollute main storage with maps. I chose to have read only system as I was asked during installation.
Swiping is pressing left mouse button and moving the mouse.
The tablet type according to android is hvm.
fake traveler from f-droid and enabled developer options (tap 7 times on build number in settings) help to give nosy android apps a location.
whonix as net vm for privacy.
type standalone vm, 72gb storage, 4000MB RAM, 2CPU
I tried genymotion.com in a AppVM using debian12. It did not work as genymotion uses qemu as hypervisor and I guess that the hardware support for hypervisors in the CPU has already been consumed by XEN.
So the debian runs in ring 1. So one would need to build something like genymotion to be integrated into qubes which is much work.
So qemu would need to run without vt-d extensions of the cpu and emulating the behavior in software so there we also have a problem.
So running andoid with a fake arm64 cpu emulated in software (qemu) is not that easy. Has anyone experience here?
As it works to use Qubes on a x86-64bit with x86 android, one should be able to run several android-vm on Qubes on ARM64, to be developed. E.G using NVIDIA ORIN or some other high potent autonomous drive solution / eval board.
Unfortunately the ARM64 platform is so powerful that one could not emulate the CPU in software on a X86-64bit without loosing significant performance.
Also the drivers are different
I tried the emulator of android studio. This failed also because of lacking VT-D.
"user@localhost:~/Android/Sdk/emulator$ ./emulator -avd Medium_Phone_API_35 -netdelay none
INFO | Android emulator version (build_id 12836668) (CL:N/A)
INFO | Graphics backend: gfxstream
INFO | Found systemPath /home/user/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-35/google_apis_playstore/x86_64/
INFO | Checking system compatibility:
INFO | Checking: hasSufficientDiskSpace
INFO | Ok: Disk space requirements to run avd: Medium_Phone_API_35 are met.
INFO | Checking: hasSufficientHwGpu
INFO | Ok: Hardware GPU requirements to run avd: Medium_Phone_API_35 are passed.
INFO | Checking: hasSufficientSystem
INFO | Warning: Suggested minimum number of CPU cores to run avd ‘Medium_Phone_API_35’ is 4 (available: 2).
USER_WARNING | Suggested minimum number of CPU cores to run avd ‘Medium_Phone_API_35’ is 4 (available: 2).
WARNING | Failed to process .ini file /home/user/.android/avd/…/avd/Medium_Phone.avd/quickbootChoice.ini for reading.
ERROR | x86_64 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!
CPU acceleration status: KVM requires a CPU that supports vmx or svm
More info on configuring VM acceleration on Linux: