ANACONDA partition

Hello everyone,
Today I tried to install Qubes following the installation instructions on the site itself.
at the time of using Rufus to partition the disk using the ISO file the stick I was using I saw that it was not recognized at startup and still opened Windows despite I had changed boot settings.
I was not able to see the stick on my PC how if it wasn’t connected…
Going into the settings I saw that the same stick used previously gave me about 120 GB of unallocated space and 2MB of space used by the disk that was renamed ANACONDA, can anyone tell me how to fix this problem and what it is generated by?


What was the original stick capacity? Is 120 GB - incorrect capacity?

the original was 128 GB, but we all know that they are never really 128

Did you disable Secure Boot in BIOS?
Also you need to write installer ISO in DD mode in Rufus:

I checked and it was already unflagged the secure boot.
Yes I followed those instructions of using rufus.
I have read that Qubes OS uses Anaconda installer, but how can I use it?

Check the boot menu / boot priority in BIOS so your USB is available there and it has higher priority than your Windows entry:

yes I have done it, too.
Now I am trying to rewrite the iso on a 32GB stick always by rufus

Hi there, I have the same problem. Every OS I install on any of my systems have ANACONDA. I believe its a UEFI rootkit, some more info on this would be good but I can show ANACONDA shell scripts and may explain my linux kernel hardening showing different values in lynis.

Have ANACONDA what and have ANACONDA where?

Partition on a live boot usb will sometimes have ANACONDA as a separate partition. Ive noticed a plymouth boot screen with the bottom left showing anaconda1. The screen that boots while an os is installing. I also read anaconda is the python code that installs os’s. Hopefully someone has more insight, it is actually why I switched to qubes, because it seemed like my network and every device was monitored. Upon formatting and revisiting the ANACONDA scenerio again i figured its a rootkit installed on the eeprom chips of each device, as well perhaps the usb keys firmware. I will try to find some pictures

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