After shutting down sys-net, I can no longer connect to the internet

Thanks for your continued support. I was having dinner with my family, sorry, I made some sys-net and the HVM/Ethernet/memory/ is the same. I don’t know if this is correct, but when I try to start the terminal, I get the error in the image and cannot open it.

No, I made a mistake. It was a conflict. sys-net5 was killed and the terminal was successfully started.

エラーらしいものはいくつかあるようです。HVMOP / e820: remove など。他のsys-netも同様です。

Those are not relevant messages. Try to look for messages containing words “error” or “fail”.
Also check the log from the end to see the messages from the latest boot.

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You can use this command to only see the messages for current boot:
sudo journalctl -b

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I rebooted(sys-net) again, put the error on the top right screen and then did sudo journalctll -b.

[Firmware Bug] TSC doesn’t count with p0 frequency!
The only error I can find is.

Greyed out is
HVMOP_pagetable_dying not supported
e820; update [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff] usable ===> reserved
e820; remove [mem 0x00000000-0x 00000fff] usable

Perhaps errors are shown in red, but I don’t see any Error messages; do I also need to do journalctl -b with dom0 or etc.

Now reboot the system and try the same thing.

The messages:
Device /tmp/sanity-squashfs-* (deleted) has been removed
Seems to be related to snapd and shouldn’t be related to your problem.

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Maybe you’ve installed something in sys-net template that is causing this problem?
Try to use a different template for sys-net.

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The sys-net is configured with dafault-dvm and debian11 is the default template. I used to have someone in the know tell me how to set up Telegram to make security robust, but I had to create a Qube for each application as shown in the image.

Another template, fedora-38-xfce, does not give any sanity errors and the connection remains unconnected, debian-12-xfce is the same, also no sanity errors.

Do you see your network controller interface in sys-net when you run this command in sys-net terminal?
ip a
If it’s present then is it configured with correct network settings? And what is its status, is it UP/DOWN/UNKNOWN?

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Hmmm, I may not be able to make a decision, but since it is NO-CARIER, BROADCAST, MULTICAST and UP, it may assume it is DOWN.

It seems that your network controller is detected (ens6/enp0s6 interface) but is not configured.
Can you check the log messages for errors related to ens6/enp0s6 inteface?

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How do you configure your network settings in sys-net? Do you use Network Manager applet in dom0 tray?
Can you upload screenshots with your network settings to check if there’s an error there?

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I would like to know how to log error messages on the interface. If it is set up, I assume it will connect to the internet, but is it set up by the dom0?

With this:

I meat for you to check the logs in sys-net terminal with sudo journalctl -b and search for “ens6” and “enp0s6” there.

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Thanks, I read the log that came up with sudo journalctl -b, but there are no words like ens6 , enp0s6. The network settings are configured in the properties that come up when I right-click on the computer icon in the top right corner, as I can’t find Network Manager. I think it might be here. I have no network settings on the dom0 side.

Maybe you didn’t scroll it with PageUp/PageDown or with arrows?
You can also print full log in the terminal with this command if it’s easier for you to scroll in GUI window:
sudo journalctl -b --no-pager

Then it means you’re using Network Manager applet.

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Ah! I didn’t realise I could scroll down… I just checked and if it’s a NetworkManager log, it’s there. But I don’t think there are any words like ens6 in the interface.

Since interface with this name is present then it should be somewhere in the log.
You can search for a string in journalctl with / key. For example, type /ens6 and then press Enter.
You can read journalctl help about its shortcuts if you press h key.

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I tried typing the command but without success, so I did a search from the terminal toolbar.

kernel: r8169 0000:00:06.0 ens6 : No native access to PCI extended config space, falling back to CSI
ens6: Link is Down NetworkManager: device(ens6) :. state change: unavailable → unmanaged(reason ‘sleeping’ , sys-iface-state:‘managed’)

The following messages are picked up from the lines that appeared in ens6 that seem to be important.

How did you configure your network interface? Is it using DHCP or is it configured manually?
If it’s DHCP then can you try to configure it using manual method?

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