About the Feedback category

Share here your feedback about the forum or the website.
If you want to report a bug or other issue, please go here.

List-ID for this category is feedback.forum.qubes-os.org

For the second sentence, I would say something like:

If you want to report a bug or other issue, please go here.


  • qubes-issues is not for non-actionable feedback.
  • We want to link to the doc page about reporting issues so that people read the guidelines.

done! Thanks for the input

what’s the email address for this category please?

This category exists only to group “Website Feedback” (qubes_os+feedback-website-8 at discoursemail.com) and “Forum Feedback” (qubes_os+feedback-forum-feedback-2 at discoursemail.com). So it’s probably better to send it to those.

For general feedback on Qubes the #general-discussion may be better. (qubes_os+general-discussion-15 at discoursemail.com)