For some reason I was able to copy from a qube to a global clipboard but was not able to paste I get notification that the clipboard is copied to qube and wiped without actually pasting anything, so I checked the forum for a prior discussion of the problem and I stumbled upon this Broken global clipboard, and I according to it I checked whither this service is running but it was not, then I rebooted as the OP reported it had failed but run after rebooting, but after I rebooted when I copied some text again and again to the global clipboard the notification was that I copied 0 bytes.
Also I want to be able to copy and paste from and into dom0 (temporarily for security concerns) but as a default it is not permitted.
Edit: after some time of boot I was not doing anything with my PC I left it and the screen got locked after logging in again It was able to copy again but the main problem persisted.
From dom0, you can copy text to the Global Clipboard like this:
select the text and copy it (dom0)
click the Global Clipboard icon on the panel
select “Copy dom0 clipboard” menu option
To copy text TO dom0 from another cube, you cannot use the Global Clipboard, but something like this will work: assuming the text is on the qube “personal” in a file /home/user/info.txt, run:
qvm-run --pass-io --user user personal -- cat /home/user/info.txt > info.txt
This will create the file info.txt in the current directory in dom0 with the same content as personal:/home/user/info.txt
Hey @barto, I tried your approach to copy something to dom0 but I got a message error “qvm-run:command not found”, also tried “qvm-copy-to-vm” but got “Request refused”
No, I was using another file name which was present in my AppVM, however I discovered a typo in my command accordingly it was not working, which was the missing space between “--” and “cat” as it should be “-- cat” not " --cat". After the correction everything was fine. Thanks for helping me debug this!
I was looking for a screenshot on the forums to show you the icon, and one of the most recent is from you
Starting from the top right, read it to the left, you have:
an icon that looks like a hard drive
another icon made of one square in front of another, that’s the one you’re looking for
So, right now, you’re able to copy-paste to and from dom0, but looking a solution for the following problem?
What’s in your RPC policies about the clipboard? In dom0, open Qubes Global Config then, select the Clipboard tab. Is the qubes-qrexec-policy-daemon service still running?