8845HS Patch Guide


For this patch you must use fedora 39, a version above fedora 40 cannot be used as of writing. This guide works for R4.2 and R4.3, make sure to choose the corresponding version for your build.

Downloading the Qubes Builder

sudo dnf install git
git clone https://gitlab.com/QubesOS/qubes-builderv2.git
cd qubes-builderv2/
sudo dnf install $(cat dependencies-fedora.txt)
git submodule update --init

Qubes os r4.3

cp example-configs/qubes-os-r4.3.yml builder.yml

Qubes os r4.2

cp example-configs/qubes-os-r4.2.yml builder.yml
vim builder.yml

Use docker instead of qubes as executor

delete qubes, un-comment docker

systemctl enable --now docker
tools/generate-container-image.sh docker fedora-40-x86_64
sudo su
./qb -c vmm-xen package fetch;
./qb -c qubes-release package fetch

Copy & Paste patches

vim artifacts/sources/vmm-xen/9998-amd-ioapic-test.patch

vim artifacts/sources/vmm-xen/9999-amd-iommu-test.patch

vim artifacts/sources/vmm-xen/xen.spec.in

Paste this line 173

Patch9998: 9998-amd-ioapic-test.patch
Patch9999: 9999-amd-iommu-test.patch

Prep, then build.

./qb -c vmm-xen package prep
./qb -c vmm-xen package build

You now have the xen binary

rm -rf builder.yml
vim builder.yml

Qubes os r4.3

Qubes os r4.2

Again, use docker instead of qubes as executor

Delete qubes, replace with docker executor below

  type: docker
   image: "qubes-builder-fedora:latest"

Now we can start buidling the ISO

./qb installer fetch
./qb installer init-cache
./qb installer fetch
./qb installer prep
./qb installer build

You will now have an ISO file in the artifacts folder

ls artifacts/iso

All posts making leading this posts

this may or may not work for other AMD 8000 laptop cpus

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Thanks for the contribution. Perhaps it would be useful for others if you could add a bit of a description on what this is about at the top of your post and title.

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