4k font size dom0 vs vm

Hi. I’ve tried to follow these instructions for a 4K 15 insh screen. So far I face two problems. The Windows colour bar (showing Qube / Document title / application) is not resizing correctly. its text is clipped/cut. And second, VLC no longer shows videos (Debian Qube) because of the 4K resolution. Before I reduced the reslution to 1080p.

As for the following two settings:
export GDK_SCALE=2
export GDK_DPI_SCALE=0.5

Should I include them in Dom0 in addition to the templates, and how can I achieve that?

In case you are using (the default) XFCE in dom0, simply set the DPI in the Settings App. The window decoration unfortunately do not obey the DPI setting in this version of XFCE, but there is a DefaultHDPI style available that should work. See under Settings | Windows Manager.

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