4.2.3 and KDE Menus--it breaks, but here's the solution

The latest update to dom0 steps on the file that allows the menu editor to actually affect the menu. I ended up with the default menu which places every VM at the top level–too many in my case (and it doesn’t scroll). Editing it to try to fix it didn’t work…then I remembered having this problem when I first switched to KDE and what the solution was.

This was easy to solve, thanks to my remembering.

The file’s name is: /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/55xfce-qubes.sh

and it should contain:


# Use Qubes provided menu instead of default XFCE one
if [ "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" = "KDE" ] || [ "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" = "plasmaX11" ]; then


The update resets that file to the original contents. I learned my lesson after updating (and debugging) one system; I saved the file off to my home directory before updating the other.