Nothing still, 504 error, trying to get some random file from Microsoft. Do I need to restart the Qube to change the connection source?
And… nothing…
shut it down. trying again
Microsoft wouldn’t let me download anything because it detected a Tor IP. I’m off Tor and no more 504.
Its giving me some error
im redoing it
sudo rpm -Uhv qubes-packages-mirror-repo/dom0-fc32/rpm/qubes-windows-tools*.noarch.rpm
error: File not found by glob: qubes-packages-mirror-repo/dom0-fc32/rpm/qubes-windows-tools*.noarch.rpm
error: File not found by glob: qubes-packages-mirror-repo/dom0-fc32/rpm/qubes-windows-tools*.noarch.rpm
Looks like previous steps wasn’t successful…
I’m redoing it. It either has stalled or it’s going incredibly slowly. I’m on step 3 now.
I was able to assemble it, but I got an error saying Windows needs to repair itself and can’t boot. It repaired itself and booted, and now I still can’t cut and paste or add usb devices.
It shows a PCI device now without a driver. It also won’t let me cut and paste from the VM to outside the VM and won’t recognize when I attach a USB drive.
Windows 10? default setup configuration (no network pv, no disk pv)?
QWT doesn’t bring USB device support, this feature is still not released, but already approved.
You can try without Profile moving option, that could break system…
This is Windows 7 in Qubes 4.1 alpha.
It’s Windows 7 with network added (and it does connect) and I am not sure what disk pv is.
Is there any way to copy files if there is no USB support? I’d like to be able to move things in and out and not have to use the connection and a virtual drive.
I am not seeing how to cut and paste. I am doing the regular way (Ctrl C, Ctrl Shift C, Ctrl Shift V, Ctrl V) nothing.
I don’t know what profile moving option is.
Also, I’m not sure it even installed. How would I know if it did?
I got it to attach that DVD and then clicked on the installation and it installed. Now, there’s nothing in that DVD player (although it’s still there).
Is there any way to confirm that the installation worked?
It lists a separate device, manufactured by Xen called HVM domU, but it also has a triangle with an exclamation next to it and it also says there are no drivers for the device.
Should I try to reinstall everything a second time to see if that fixes it?
If you use windows 7 setup with default options should works (choose next-next-next…). It will allow to copy-paste and copying files from and to windows qube and some more.
I was getting
No match for argument: i3
and no match for argument: $ANY_AND_EVERY_PACKAGE
[quote=“unman, post:16, topic:4879, full:true”]
Neither do I - the command is fine, and works for me.
Try qvm-kill sys-firewall && qvm-start sys-firewall
in dom0, then
sudo dnf clean all
, and then again
sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-dom0-current-testing qubes-windows-tools
(that I was watching download)… SO frustrating.