What to test? Where to get what to test? Where to report testing results?

@marmarek :
It is not clear to me the link between current-testing notes for bullseye here under vmm-xen v4.14.5-9 (r4.1) · Issue #3084 · QubesOS/updates-status · GitHub
Package for bullseye was built ([build log](https://github.com/QubesOS/build-logs/tree/master/build-debian4/log_2022-10-16_01-33-06)) and uploaded to current-testing repository

And the packages qubes-input-proxy-sender qubes-vm-dependencies qubes-vm-recommended xen-utils-guest that were update candidates with bullseye-testing uncommented, applied on other post for testing.

If it is unclear to me, this is most probably unclear as well for the testing community as well.

Can you elaborate on the meaning of vmm-xen v4.14.5-9 (r4.1) · Issue #3084 · QubesOS/updates-status · GitHub ?


Edit: added cross-reference here: vmm-xen v4.14.5-9 (r4.1) · Issue #3084 · QubesOS/updates-status · GitHub