Using vpn after tor - beginner

Hello, I want to use a vpn Gateway in qubes. I read multiple documentations from qubes, whonix etc. but I doesn’t find an easy way use a vpn gateway. Maybe someone can give me a tipp or a link.

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I try to set it up but I doesn’t understand, where I have to implement the code? I can’t put a file in this direction via the task manager. Did I have to use a command?

Can you tell me what is in that image?

  • What “code” are you using?
  • What does “When I use this” mean?
  • What exactly have you done?
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I have opened this direction in dom0 and want to put a file with the code from this documentation
In the right direction

Ok. I placed now a file with nano in the right direction and named it 3isec-dom0.repo. I put the code in it from the above mentioned website and saved it inside the file. But nothing happened. I restarted the os but that ain’t helped me also :man_shrugging:t4:

I’ve updated the instructions at to
try to make the install process clearer.

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Thanks I get can install it, but I don’t understand how I can start the Programm? I used qvm-run but nothing happened after this

Open a terminal in dom0.
Type qubes-task-gui and press enter.

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Ok, after failing with the salt terminal I try to setup by hand after the classic

At step to I have some questions, I placed my zipped openvpn file in the direction /rw/config/vpn and named it openvpn-client.ovpn. After opening it vie the Geist command I get into the plain file with the error there was a problem opening the file and lots of red market text. In the next step the documentation tells:

The config should route all traffic through your VPN’s interface after a connection is created; For OpenVPN the directive for this is redirect-gateway def1 .

Make sure it already includes or add:

redirect-gateway def1

I don’t understand exactly where I have to put the extra command. Inside my OpenVpn file?

Yes, unzip the file as openvpn-client.ovpn and edit that.

Ok, I try it this time with a mullvad open vpn file. ( surprisingly it won’t work with your salt terminal mullvad vpn :smiling_face_with_tear:)
After I placed my files with the sudo mv command in /rw/config/vpn i had a folder named openvpn-config.ovpn where are 4 files in it named:
Mullvad_ca.crt, mullvad_de_fra.conf, mullvad_userpass.txt, update-resolv-conf

When I use sudo gedit I get an empty file with the notification that openvpn-client.ovpn is a directory.
Did I have to use only one of the four files?

If you read the package description you will see that the MullvadVPN
package serves only Wireguard configurations.
Mullvad has excellent documentation - if you read the page on openvpon
configuration it will answer all your questions.