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Then the qubes can find the /dev/xvdi devices since they are attached to the qubes at start.
You don’t have any block device attached to the template persistently so it can’t find the /dev/xvdi device at start.

i asked for a solution to automount the partitons automatically long time ag in another thread and neve received a satisfactory answer, which ic could follow and implement. The whole Qubes System seamsto me a very “experimental” system for software developers and software enthusiats and not for ordinary user.

By accident i found a solution to automount the partitions, however i was not aware of the consequences of my changes, due to lack of knowledge and experience.

I am not sure anymore,if I want to invest even more resources in a cumbersome, unfinished system like Qubes. Maybe a plain DEBIAN System, with a few VM’s maybe the nuch simpler job for my computing needs.

regards, Hitam

You could add this command in the /rw/config/rc.local in the app qubes with persistently attached block devices:

mount /date

If you have /dev/xdvi /date form noauto in /etc/fstab.

Thank you very much for your kind answer and simple advice.
I still have great headache to change the auto —> noauto in fstab.

The style and quality of advice in this forum is very much different.


the name of the template affected is:

affectedid the root partion with /etc/fstab.

What i do have to input into the commands presented ?

You can attach some trusted disk to your template persistently so it’ll be able to find /dev/xvdi at boot.
E.g. you can create virtual disk in dom0 terminal:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/mydisk.img bs=1M count=256
mkfs.ext4 /tmp/mydisk.img
sudo losetup -f --show /tmp/mydisk.img

Then it’ll show you the device in the last command output e.g. /dev/loop123 and you can attach this dom0:loop123 device persistently to your template.
You’ll see this device in qvm-block list output.

after issuing all commands and successfully check, that the /tmp/mydisk.img is attached to debian-12-clone-office…a restart of the template ist still not possible.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/mydisk.img bs=1M count=256
mkfs.ext4 /tmp/mydisk.img

i issued:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/mydisk.img bs=1M count=256

mkfs.ext4 error message:
not recognized operand mkfs.ext4

dom0:loop21  /tmp&mydisk.img    debian-12-clone-office (read-only=no)

Why ?

mfs.ext4 /tmp/mydisk.img has to issued separately → succes ist starting debian-12-clone-office.
Many thanks.
regards, hitam