Unable to Locate 4.2 Upgrade File

Attemptng to perform an inplace 4.1.x to 4.2 upgrade/update.

Entering the following as per the instructions.

sudo qubes-dom0-update -y qubes-dist-upgrade
Results in a error message:
Unable to find a match: qubes-dist-upgrade
Also tried qubes.dist.upgrade.

Has this file been moved, deleted or renamed?


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What happens when you use this command?

qubes-dist-upgrade --help

Issue resolved. Persistence once again brings rewards. Only took 7 reboots. Upgrade complete and added in Fedora 41

Now just have to complete the cleanup. When checking for Brave duplicates I found close to 50. Could use some guidence on cleaning up the Repo.

Thanks for you original response.

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What exactly did you do to resolve your own issue?

First let me estgablish I am not a Qubes guru. I have moved beyond having to continually reinstall due to “operator induced errors”. That being said I am still in the school of having to reboot a number of times to get things to take. Benefit of being a persistand shit.

I currently cut & paste all instructions/scripts, on a USB stick, into a text file so I can reapply them without the multi-step C&P.

For this issue I just kept repeating the install and it finally took.Once a successful, I script file was deleted.

Sorry I can not be more specific.

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Thank you for following up.