I would like to find guides on how to create(or enable/find)
key combinations that will:
Instantly turn off and wipe my computer after pressing them.
Or if possible to set up a flashdrive that when pulled out will do the same. A kill switch of sorts.
Has some information for making all data unusable if you have LUKS dm-crypt/Drive preparation - ArchWiki
I would write my own script that runs when specific combination is pressed, how to do that not sure in xfce, maybe someone else or google can assist with that. I would just recommend i3.
For the usb kill switch, there is buskill I think the name was which does what you want. But recommend doing it yourself, maybe udevadm
might assist with detection of usb devices.
Hi, I have this set up. I used the following guide:
ctrl-f “Emergency Shutdown Script”
First we need to make sure the user is able to run the shutdown command:
nothing@debian:~$ su -
root@debian:~# visudo
nothing ALL=NOPASSWD:/sbin/shutdown
nothing ALL=NOPASSWD:/sbin/reboot
Then we create a simple shutdown.sh script:
nothing@debian:~$ vim shutdown.sh
nothing@debian:~$ cat shutdown.sh
/sbin/shutdown -h now
nothing@debian:~$ chmod +x shutdown.sh
Then bind the keyboard shortcut to: /sbin/shutdown -h now
Hope this helps someone