Security of Qubes OS vs GrapheneOS

And out of the 23 that are working how many are Pixel phones?

Very few phones are able to lock with a custom OS, Fairphone and Pixel are the only ones I know officially supports using a custom OS.

Many phones soft or hard brick if you try to relock the bootloader, I think that is the reason why LineageOS doesn’t support relocking.

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I don’t see how GrapheneOS and Qubes are even in the same class of OS’s. If someone would add a community template running GrapheneOS, yes I would use it. I have been looking for a usable Android AppVM but have so far not been able to get any variant running properly thus far. GrapheneOS would be my go-to choice during to the security centered choices made in that OS. The problem is the supported hardware required for it is extreemly narrow and the likelyhood of standing up an x86 derivative is pretty slim. Running it under emulation in Xen isn’t going to be easy.

Could it supplant Qubes? Not even close. Could it be used under Qubes? Doable, but who is going to cross compile it and build the Qubes utilities needed to make it useful?

I would love to see this but it likely won’t happen in my lifetime.


There is already such comparison post on this forum, however, it’s only available to users with Trust Level 2 or higher:

GrapheneOS vs Qubes OS security


I use both GrapheneOS, on two phones and a tablet, and QubesOS on a Protectli Vault. I wouldn’t say there’s a huge difference in difficulty setting up either to work.

Installation on both was fairly straight forward, both require specific hardware but work simply if you have it. Both I’ve had issues with some programs and had to make sacrifices to get them to work how I need.

It’s not really a choice for me between the two OS’s as both serve their purposes for the job I use them for.


Could you just make this page public? What’s the reasoning behind requiring a threshold trust level?

246 last time i checked

Graphene OS is just another free Android.
Tried all kinds of Mobile OS’s and on none of them it is possible to activate essential applications for eID and payment without a Google account or Apple ID, not in my country that is.
So i stopped using smartphones totally and returned to a classical GSM (2G)

And for the time the 2G GSM network will be fased out (2028 in my country) i already bought a LTE version that can work on 4G

I’ll only use a smartphone again when the essential payment and eID apps are available for GNU/Linux mobile and can be activated whithout a Google-account or Apple-ID


The initial premise “mobile OS are more secure than desktop ones” is faulty.


I wish it was more open. It’s discussed here: New "general admin, security & privacy" category? - #55 by fsflover.

The “All Around Qubes” category is discussions not directly pertaining to Qubes OS. As for whether it should be public or not, that is decided by the Qubes OS forum team.

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