Hello, the Screenshot cannot handle Region to capture → Select a region → Delay before capturing: 3 seconds.
Screenshot just shows a blank white selection area.
It works for me.
Are you running the xfce4-screenshooter in dom0?
The default QubesOS screenshot app and in the Personal Qube.
You need to run screenshot app in dom0, not in the qubes.
You can also use qvm-screenshot-tool in dom0 for this:
Thank you, however using Screenshot in dom0 may not help when the issue is in the Personal Qube.
Maybe you can try to do it like this if you want to make the screenshot in the qube itself:
Why not, though? Everything you can see, including stuff in your personal qube, is being “viewed through” dom0.
I’m confused. I ran Screenshot from Personal. How would I run Screenshot or other programs from Dom0?
I’ve read the install of Screenshot to Dom0, but would like a GUI control and not CLI for Screenshots.
You can run the Screenshot tool in dom0 by running Q → Gear icon → Other → Screenshot.
You can assign keyboard shortcut for it in the Q → Gear icon → System Settings → Keyboard → Applications Shortcuts.
By default the PrtSc key is assigned to create a full screen screenshot with a xfce4-screenshooter -f
command. You can change it to just running xfce4-screenshooter
so it’ll open the Screenshot GUI window.
The screenshots will be saved in dom0 so you’ll need to copy them from dom0 to some other qube to use them:
But this is inconvenient so the qvm-screenshot-tool was created that will make a screenshot and copy it to the qube that you want. This tool has GUI.
Thank you, that clears up using Dom0, although I noticed the Screenshot only offers saving in Dom0…I couldn’t find a clear way to save in a Qube? I guess that’s the bit where you suggest to copy from Dom0 to a Qube?
Also, Dom0 is prompting to select an image viewer before opening the Screenshots saved in Dome0/Pictures, but I found no image viewer?
By default it can only save the screenshot in dom0 and you can then manually send the file from dom0 to other qubes.
You can save the screenshot in the qube using the qvm-screenshot-tool. But you need to install it in dom0 by following the installation guide in the link that I pointed previously.
There is no image viewer installed in dom0 by default for security reason.
Don’t open images in dom0, transfer the images from dom0 to some qube and open them there.
Ok, so rule is:
Screenshots in Dom0, everything else in a Qube…think I’ve got it.
Tried to run the qvm-screenshot-tool but at first zenity was missing in dom0, so I installed with
sudo qubes-dom0-update zenity
Now I get a Popup Message
[EXIT] "ImageMagic" (display) not found..
Thanks but also doesn’t work for me:
sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-repo-contrib
sudo qubes-dom0-update --clean qvm-screenshot-tool
“Error: Unable to find a match: qvm-screenshot-tool”
Looks like he cannot add the contrib repo as there are errors downloading the repos metadata…
It is not packaged in Qubes repos yet. It hasn’t been reviewed by the team. Using qubes-dom0-update won’t work for that. You need to copy to dom0 manually if you want to use it.
Ah okay, just followed the installation steps in the readme file Otherwise I don’t know what todo, do we have to build it first?
I see, the installations steps are ready for when the package becomes a part for the contrib repository, but currently it is not.
You need to manually copy this file to dom0: qubes-qvm-screenshot-tool/qvm-screenshot at master · ben-grande/qubes-qvm-screenshot-tool · GitHub
See the Qubes documentation on how to do that. I am thinking if I should just write the command or not, that package is really taking a long time to be included upstream…
I decided for my own convenience to trust ksnip
to do this for me in dom0. Use a script like the following and it becomes a much smoother process to get screenshots to your domU of choice:
- set up ksnip in dom0, have it set up to upload with a script.
Under “Uploader” select “Uploader Type: Script” and the configure the script “Script Uploader”
in ksnip, File, Upload; then enter the domU you want to copy to
Look in DomU for the file under ~/QubesIncoming/dom0
Here are the commands for the dom0 popup, and the toast alert in the top right confirming the delivery:
destination_vm=$(zenity --entry --title="Destination VM" --text="What VM shall I send this screenshot to?")
qvm-copy-to-vm "$destination_vm" "$1"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
notify-send -u normal -i dialog-information "success!" "$1 delivered to $destination_vm"
notify-send -u critical -i dialog-information "failed!" "$1 not delivered to $destination_vm"
Using this process, it’s only a few clicks to get it to domU:
- screenshot shortcut, e.g., F12 or whatever you choose
- File → upload
- DomU name, enter.