Screen flickering in Qubes 4.1 on Tuxedo InfinityBook Pro 14 Gen6

If you meant on me (still didn’t become a bird, but rather am enmus :slight_smile: ) in order someone else maybe to help you, you’d probably respond to my latest post there too:

First try if the parameter is even available for your gpu:
$ modinfo i915 | grep ‘^parm:’
If yes, then try to put it after the word “consoles”.
Give us
$ sudo journalctl -g i915
After that, I’m out of ideas.
Maybe @51lieal could help.

You did a part of it, but not two previous, and the only additional thing that occurs to me would be to try to load it via modprobe, but I can’t remember at the moment how and if it is doable at all.

I’d probably try something if these