`salt`: Initializing an `aur.chaos.cx`-using Archlinux (offline) template - Using the update proxy for `gpg` keys et al

I can download the file using Tor Browser so it should work.
For curl to work you can try to use in curl the same headers/user agent/etc as in browser.

Jup same here -Torbrowser works. curl via sys-tor doesn’t. How would you go about extracting/reconstructing the headers?

Making curl impersonate Firefox | lwt hiker … sigh.

Apparently this whole discussion is a classical case of “should have RTFM” … man qvm-service reads among many other things:

              Default: enabled in NetVM

              Provide proxy service, which allow access only to yum repos. Filtering is
              done based on URLs, so it shouldn't be used as leak control (pretty  easy
              to bypass), but is enough to prevent some erroneous user actions.

… so anything NOT repos is apparently filtered and the whole endeavor to force downloading though the update proxy hopeless … switching strategy.

Thanks @apparatus for sticking through this with me.

I think documentation is outdated here.
The filtering was disabled long ago:

Oh. And I thought I had figured it out …