Remmina and SSH Keys

I try to create ssh key using


when i read file of private key, it is key for a user in a Qubes name (such as sxyle33@QubeforRemminaonly). It shows both username and qubes name as owner of key.

when I put public key on server and try to connect using private key, i put in username of “root” and it does not connect

is trouble with connecting because qube creates key just for user “sxyl33@QubesforRemminaonly” instead of using root as username? If I edit file and replace that with root, will fix?

I keep fail to connects with Remmina using the SSH created by the Qubes.

I’m no expert, but I wouldn’t connect to a remote server as root account, even with keys.

Having said that, I’m pretty sure you will have to create a new key as root, then copy the public key to the root account of the remote server. I’ve done that. I don’t anymore though.

i explain problem poorly

i am able to connect to server using created key in CLI/terminal

“sh root@123.456.789.012” gets me to CLI of server

I am not able to get onto server in Remmina

I am not sure why or if this is related to Qubes and the rsa information including sxyle33@QubesforRemminaonly