Re: [qubes-users] xfce4 saved session


I’ve found the small problem at the origin of this behavior on my system.

I’m no using the gui domain.
Nevertheless, when starting the qubes manager (qubes-qube-manager) from the “Qubes Domains” icon, the qubes manager is not part of the session. It does not even appear in the current session on “Q” → “System Tools” → “Session and StartUp” → “Current Session”.
Now, when the qubes manager (qubes-qube-manager) is started from “Q” → “Qubes Tools” → “Qubes Manager”, it appears in the current session and is saved and restarted on login.
Can anyone replicate this?


I was able to reproduce *THIS* behaviour on my Qubes-OS 4.1 installation.
I assume that this particular difference is related to the Xfce4
desktop environment and how applications are started from the desktop.
However I've no idea how this could be fixed.
May be the Xfce developers (some are active in the Xfce forum here:
) can help on this issue.

Best regards, Peter Funk
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Peter Funk :email::Oldenburger Str.86, 27777 Ganderkesee, Germany; :iphone::+49-179-640-8878
homeoffice :phone::+49-4222-950270