QWT (support for Windows in Qubes OS) is not available anymore. When will this be solved?

You could get a physically separate Windows

Thank for your proposed solution, but unfotunately this wont work for me.

While this is the approach i took for my personal system(s), in a corporate setting it does not work that way.

I have one company issued laptop and i am pretty certain that my IT department wont give me another one just because i use QubesOS and “there is a security situation”. They will say “use another OS then”.

Dualboot might work technically, but this greatly slows down my work, costing more money to my clients for getting less.

Also, super happy to see a cyber security professional using Qubes. Given that in this profession you’re already at heightened risk, I find it curious why most professionals so easily dismiss Qubes.

Thanks! Fully agree with you. Many of my colleges are interested in qubes and i will pitch the system in an in house presentation.

We virtualize everything anyways, so QubesOS is the most obvious OS choice imo. I think this topic deserves its own thread because there are many things to consider and i think i have kind of a good understanding as to why i am the only one in my company doing this.

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