QWT .rpm download broken

Today I was following a guide on how to install Qubes Windows Tools (QWT) on Qubes OS Release 4.0.

Qubes issue #3585

I can’t download the .rpm which’s needed in order to install QWT. The web page says 404 Not Found.

Will the link be repaired? Is there a workaround?

Hi. I see you are trying to download a version of QWT for Qubes 3.2 (I guess that was not your intention).
If my reasoning above is correct, try the URL below (for qubes 4.04).



Thank you, I’ll try it. They should probably update the link in qubes issue #3585.

I believe the attchment of QWT to windows10 is broken. So the best way to get them there I think is to download from https://ftp.qubes-os.org/qubes-windows-tools/ and then verify it.