okay nevermind. After doing these commands and restarting my pc, it no longer says obsolete
i noticed when i do dnf update in fedora terminal (not from qvm-run -u -root…) its able to download the updates. I thought templates are by default not allowed to connect to the internet. In qube manager it says there is no network vm attached
when i execute ping it says network unreachable as it should. But how does dnf update still work?
Good. The newer versions of the packages I mentioned do not require restarting the PC. But they are in testing phase and will come to stable repositories later.
If you inspect the dnf configuration, you will find out that a proxy is set. Qubes provides a proxy to templates just for updating.
Hmm. Was it always like this? I only remember installing applications in template using qvm-run in dom0 terminal first
I believe it was like this from Qubes 4.0 forward. Qubes 3.2 used direct internet connection for the templates. And the proxy is also used for installing software in the templates as you mention.