I think this is a great goal, not just for at risk populations, but for expanding the Qubes user base. A focus on ease of installation and simplifying the interface / work flow would make Qubes more appealing to those willing to give it a try, but aren’t developer’s, enthusiasts or able to spend a lot of time as their own IT support.
I’m not a developer, more an enthusiast, but do have experience with OCM on SAP gigs. One key challenge was bridging the gap between developers and end users, and horror stories have shown that the most successful projects are typically driven by operations, not IT. In the end, the application had to support the overall business process, and this of course involved end users being able to use the system without it interfering with their work.
I have a deep respect for developers, but its a world unto itself and requires its own experience and expertise. Same for journalists or any area of expertise.
Some sort of “turn key” solution, that’s affordable, easy to install and easy to use would be ideal. Of course, much depends on the goals of Qubes, not to mention available resource.