Qubes OS 4.1-rc1 has been released!

I have nitropad T430 with CPU i7 3840QM and 16GB RAM. I have used Qubes-R4.0 without any problem. I’ve decided to test the new version but it did not work at all. It was not possible at all to install it. There was just a black screen and nothing came up.

Maybe something wrong with iso or writing iso to flash

can you provide in detail, the steps you’ve followed, and the results, if you’d like support please

No I don’t think so
Because I’ve tried with different flashes. But when I tried writing other’s os iso to flash there weren’t any problems. I had issues only with qubes R-4.1

I’ve tried to do an upgrade in place which failed so I tried to do an fresh installation which failed too. When I boot from qubes R-4.1 iso flash so Only a black screen came up and nothing happened. waited around one hour but still nothing

have you try with 4.1 alpha / beta ?

What’s the different?

@Morteza wrote:

I have nitropad T430 with CPU i7 3840QM and 16GB RAM. I have used Qubes-R4.0 without any problem. I’ve decided to test the new version but it did not work at all. It was not possible at all to install it. There was just a black screen and nothing came up.

You need to update your version of Heads to support LUKS2. See this thread.


yeah T530 works, but no Heads here, just the up to date UEFI for spectre/meltdown, last I checked few years ago