Qubes Manager - Font issue

I’m on Qubes 4.2.3 / Fedora 41 and I have on /etc/environment

Has anyone experienced this before? If I select the Open Qube Manager from the upper right Qubes Domains icon. The Qube Manger launches but I notice small fonts.

See below

If I launched the Qubes Manager via the top left side icon (Open Qubes Application Menu / Qubes Tools / Qube Manager it opens but the font is bigger.

See below

Anyway is there a way to make the former bigger the same as the latter
Thanks for the help.

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You could check "Application Menu > Settings > Appearance > Fonts > DPI.
The default of 96 looks good …

I’m still on Fedora-40, so you are ahead of me, but the DPI setting expands and contracts the whole of my Qubes Manager, including the size of the characters :smiley:

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Thanks for replying back. I also use this and adjusted mine to 105 dpi.
My issue is that when I open the Qube Manager on the upper top RIGHT side of the screen (the qube icon) near the login name the whole Qube Manager interface has small fonts.

But if I access the Qube Manager on the upper top LEFT side of the screen (Open Qubes Application Menu / widget icon / Qubes Tool / Qube Manager the whole interface follows the DPI settings.

Anyway it’s just a small thing and I was just wondering if it’s just me having these issues.

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Yes, same with my version 4.2.3 Qubes Manager.
At least after playing with System Settings > Appearance > Fonts, the font sizes are different.
I don’t know whether it is a bug, or perhaps we should be pleased that we have a choice :rofl:
----------Qube Tools > Qube Manager---------Qube Domains Widget > Open Qubes Manager

I.e. invoked by “Qubes Tools”, the Qubes Manager is easier to see, but takes up more screen width.

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Thanks for replying back… at least I’m not alone on this :rofl:

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