@NoPatienceLeft, welcome to the community! You are attempting to install on a Rocket Lake CPU that was just launched earlier this year. There are still know issues with Tiger Lake CPUs (basically everything >= 10th generation). One mayor cause might be that Xen itself still struggles with some of the changes made by Intel.
There are several folks who have succeeded to install Qubes OS on Tiger Lake CPUs. Just search the HCL for “Tiger Lake”. By clicking in their names (last column) you get to the thread where the report was posted. Often there are additional comments or even a discussion. You might find helpful information there in case you want to keep trying.
As pointed out in many threads before this one, getting Qubes OS to run on the latest and greatest hardware always was and is a challenge. In about ~2 years time Qubes OS will likely install just fine on this computer. I’d recommend coming back and giving it a try every 6 months starting from the release of R4.1.
Until then, you might want to check out one of the community-recommended computers, most of which are available used and quite affordable.
I don’t want to give up, stubborn like that!
Good to hear. Dive into the HCL reports mentioned above and even if that fails: check back often an regularly. One day soon your computer will work with Qubes OS!