Proposal: "I think I got hacked" sub-category of "User Support"

I think the forum should have a place for these discussions. There are some real at-risk users using Qubes and they may not be that technical. We should support them. A certain level of paranoia is to be expected as they are still learning to navigate the threats landscape and can’t really tell apart a bug from a hack.

As a matter of fact, I’ve been waiting for the wave of newcomers. Windows-native users like this recent case which don’t know a lot about Qubes or how it protects them. The quality will go down, but we (more experienced members) should counter it with good-quality:

  1. answers (like the one I made)
  2. boilerplate answers pointing to resources (like this one)
  3. resources and guides (like What's Needed to Report Your System Getting Hacked? or one as you suggest about finding the system information to tell an attack apart)

Advantages of a “Was I hacked?” category

Allow us to have:

  1. structured template (like the one one github issues)
    - allows us to point to resources
    - allows us to add warnings about the risks of publishing information (leaking usernames, etc.)
  2. allow muting category
  3. allow tracking category - concentrating response efforts - people who like helping on this can now follow this category with a higher priority / being notified of new posts

Risks / disadvantages

  • attracting even more loonies