Proposal: "I think I got hacked" sub-category of "User Support"

It’s actually not a personal issue for me as with mailing list mode and the respective tools my email client gives me (ignore thread, ignore author etc.) I have plenty of ways to not see what I perceive as noise.

However I am concerned about:

  • the overall post quality in the forum sinking even lower than it already is
  • these threads spreading lots of paranoia and ignorance that may both spread and attract more of the same kind
  • all of the above distracting from what Qubes OS and this forum are supposed to be about

I also start thinking it was a grave mistake to host the forum at the same domain as the project. The fact that the URL reads gives the whole thing an official kind of look and as such encourages the casual observer to draw conclusions from the forum content onto the project.

Or maybe I am just wrong. :wink: