I offered a bounty a long time ago, but I was told that project donations would be redirected to what the project considered appropriate rather than the feature I was going to fund.
Weird claims I see on this post, none of them sourced. Will correct the record on some now.
Re licensing issue: I don’t much care about the licensing problem — I don’t distribute compiled ZFS modules, so for me that’s a nonissue. I am also unaware of anyone actively violating the CDDL or the GPL by doing this.
Re performance: ZFS on Linux / OpenZFS is NOT a user space daemon. That would be ZFS-FUSE, another project, to which I contributed code.
Re deduplication: dedup requires very little memory vis a vis the amount of memory Qubes OS users have and storage size they have.
I still want the ZFS adapter for Qubes pools to be shipped with Qubes OS, whether most users use it or not. ZFS is the absolute best file system I have ever used (I’ve used many) and I don’t plan to move away from it anytime soon. It’s simple to manage (no “layers” shit, like LVM or VDO or LUKS), it’s performant enough, it has compression / snapshots / send+receive, it has been tested way more than any other file system on Earth… what’s not to like about these things?