Partitioning and Install on 3 NVMe disks

OK, so no BTRFS, it will be EXT4 then !

Since I don’t need Snapshots, because external back-ups (using TimeShift ? LuckyBackUp ?)

As for the mountpoints, I see in this post a different name:
You suggested ./appvms/
They suggest qubes_dom0-vm-pool

I just noticed that you are using VisualStudio, but I’m using Catia and Rhinoceros, and while I did find some posts about ViStu on Xen, I didn’t find much about Catia or Rhino on Xen … nothing positive at least

Here is what the current idea looks like, in a more visual way

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I did mention it here…

Catia and Rhinoceros, you can just use under Linux using whatever variant of WINE derivative you want.
I run Blender and other streaming software myself under Linux.
I also use other CAD software under WINE at times. I just don’t have those VMs visible in the lists because I am not able to divuldge the clients names.

Visual Studio is there just because I had someone that needed help and I had to use Visual Studio to connect to them and assist them in their shared project…

1: Too many partitions…
2: Windows is there…

As I said, if you want things to be insecure, then go for it.
If you want the way I said that would be best for things, then just have the following…

BOOT and keys and all that.
Also put the Qubes Root on there if you want.
/boot 512MB (EXT2/3/4 or EXFAT.) [can be any, doesn’t matter that much.]
{If you are using EFI, increase /boot to 1GB.}
/ > 24GB (EXT4 advised)

NVME 2TB (Mirrored)
/var/lib/qubes (EXT2 I normally use because it preserves lifespan since it doesn’t have a journal to write on every little change [There are many drive writes on EXT3/4] ), but you can use EXT4 if you want to.


When running Windows, have the morrored drives ports disabled in the BIOS.
When running Qubes, Disable the Windows drive port. (Not essential, but advised so you don’t damage the Windows Drive.)


Thank you.
I’m not questioning the feasability, the possibility, but the result. If the end result is too much lag or the rendering time is x2 or x3 or the visual effect is shaggy, then no

Yes, I will keep Win as it is, at least for now.
But I will create a qubes for Win and install Catia+Rhino and if I see it run smoothly, then I will delete the native Win10 and keep the virtual ne.
I don’t want to jump on a leap

The USB key is 2GB

Yes, good point, I thought about it, and was thinking about noatime,barrier=0,data=writeback the Ext4 (no journaling, etc)
What about reliability and/or EOL of Ext2 ? There must be a reason it evolved to Ext3 Ext4 ?

It’s either one or the other.
Mirroring/unmirroring errase all data on the disks, so I have to pick one up and stick to it

Back to the suggested partitionning of the main,
What is the actual mount point ? the one in your list, right ? /dev/nvme1n1p3/vm-templates/
NOT /dev/nvme1n1p3/qubes_dom0-vm-templates/

And does these two segregated partitions suffice (./vm-templates + ./appvms) or do I need (better have) some others, to make it easier to re-integrate after reinstall /)

Thank you ! and have a nice day

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I can run some tests on it for that specific software. But my hardware is very inferior to yours.
As far as rendering time goes, if the rendering time is normally 1 second, then it may take twice as long.
If it takes 1 minute, then it may take twice as long.
All depends what else you are doing on the machine and the quantity of resources that you have assigned to the renderer, If it has it’s own dedicated resource pool that nothign else can touch or use, then that may also be advantageous for that, which is what I do.

I have Dom0 with threads 0-1 (1 core)
Web browsers guests, along with general use that don’t need a lot of power use Core 2. (Thread 2-3)
So that is Dom0 and baout 18 virtuals assigned to those.
Then I have my coding guests, micro servers for testing, and other guests like that… They use core 3-4 (Threads 4-7)

Then the game testing guests and streaming and all use threads 8-11.
So they are all segregated for the CPU.

If I had more threads available I could segregate things more.

I have set up VRAM assignment for the guests as well. So they have more VRAM available.
The default is set to 64MB for each guest by default, but the graphics intensive ones I do assign more RAM, generall up it to 128 or 256. Gaming I have at 2 GB (unless I use the passthru)

So there are many things that can be achieved.

And as I had stated, you can set it up to use Windows as a virtual system and appear as such when the USB isn’t in there. Meaning you would always be running under Qubes.
I will check the speeds of things and let you know in regards to this as well.

Only 2 GB. Then you would have to have the root file system on the 2TB then. But still, it’s only 24+ GB.

EXT2 is just EXT2, it is jsut EXT3/4 without the extra overhead. even disabling those features means that it still has to check those features if they are on or off when performing write operations. EXT2 doesn’t have that, so it saves time again.
(Personal opinion, may be different on faster drives like yours.)
But I only know what I know based on my limited resources.

Disabling the ports does not un-mirror the drives. It merely turns off the ports, so the hardware doesn’t see them, and nor does Windows.

The mount point is “/var/lib/qubes” as I have stated multiple times.
That is, if you are using the 2TB mirrored for the partition.

So the 2TB Mirrored drives would be…

/ 32 GB EXT4 (LUKS if you want)
SWAP (Depends on how much RAM you have, you may not need this)
/var/lib/qubes * EXT(X) (LUKS if you want)

One password for both if that is what you want, or else use 2 different passwords for the LUKS.


That’s very kind of you, TY very much
my P15 is stock: i7-11850 8cores (16 virt), 24M cache; 128GB DDR4 (maxed to); Intel UHD IG + NVIDIA RTX A2000 12GB GDDR6 ; 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6, 2.5GbE;

usually, when I’m on such work, I don’t do anything else, besides the occasional podcast or youtube.

I could indeed have the same core setups; as my day to day is mainly browsing (intensively, I currently have over 60 tabs on 3 browsers) and LibreOffice writing official doc, and a few spreadsheets

I haven’t seen DVMT in my bios, so I’ll probably be limited to the 12GB VRAM of the card itself

yes, and it is an interesting feature, which I will definitely try if/once I’m confident about removing native win10

TY, good, so not 256GB :wink: for root, just 30-ish GB


  • Performance : Ext4 is generally considered to be more performant than ext2, especially in terms of handling large files and directories. However, ext2 can be faster in certain scenarios where journaling overhead is a concern.
  • File Size Limit : Ext4 has a much larger file size limit than ext2, with a maximum file size of 16TB compared to ext2’s 2TB limit.
  • File System Size Limit : Ext4 also has a maximum file system size of 1 exabyte compared to ext2’s 32TB limit.
    => I think I’ll be ok with EXT2 indeed …
    What about ZFS ?

When I played with it after you convinced me, every change (RAID-on, RAID-off) had the warning: any data will be lost.

Great !

  • 32 GB EXT4 (or ZFS?) for /
  • 16 GB EXT2 (or ZFS?) for /tmp
  • 32 GB Swap (fallback)
  • 100% EXT2 (or ZFS?) for /var/lib/qubes which will contain /vm-templates; /vmapps … and ?
    So I would have to backup this partition and if I have to re-install Qube, I will just re-attach (mount at install) et voilà !

For as long as they are saved in the usb key, it doesn’t matter much how many.

I’m feeling excited, it takes shape ! :slight_smile: happy me
Even knowing I still have a long way … once up and running, I’ll have to transfer files, transfer bookmarks, setup access to my NAS, install my VPN (I guess Proton GUI doesn’t work) and so many other things … still smilling !

Note to self: Buy a spare 2GB usb key to make a copy of the first.

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ProtonVPN App works fine

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Yeah I saw that … I guessed wrong :wink:
I’ve had a difficult time with PVPN on my MX23, that influenced my “guess”
I can’t wait to get into trouble (I always am) installing it !

Q? Would it there a benefit to symlink /var/lib/qubes to /pool/var/lib/qubes ?
Then at reinstall I don’t have to worry about mounting, I just go with complete install in the 64GB / root partition, then re-change /var/lib/qubes inot a symlink (which can even be done via script)

the drive just mounts to /var/lib/qubes
there is no “/pool/var/lib/qubes”

It is just a mount point.

In regards to your hardware, you have the discreet GPU there along with the internal, so you can use the internal for Qubes, then attach the discreet tot he guest for full utilisation on one display, or even multiple.

So it can work fine.

Yeah, so you have only a few tabs, not many.

Leave the VRAM as the 12 GB, you don’t need to alter the GPU or anything.
Just have enough on the actual intergrated to allow things to run… 128 MB should be fine for general use.

I haven’t ever used ZFS, I just reduce overhead. As I said, I’m on SATA, so it’s slow enough as it is. With M.2 NVME I’d be able to run other file systems.

I have many VPNs for different services, every single one works fine that I have and use.

Think I have 14 that are set up using just the operating system, including Proton. Not using their own interfaces or anything, just Linux, no extra spyware or overhead.

OK, so … today is the day ?
I’ve giving up trying to install Win10 on my NVMe SUB-C key, no can do

  • OS migration doesn’t boot
  • Fresh install tells me I can’t install on a USB
  • DD / clone doesn’t allow me to boot
  • Yes, I’ve use the boot repair.

=> I’ve created a .vhdx image of the whole thing to use in Qubes as suggested
=> I will see for the ZFS later (probably never) even though very appealing

So both internal NVMe are BIOS-RAID1
Install Qube as

  • 64 GB BTRFS for /
  • ?? 64GB EXT2 for /var/log ?? (even using LogRotate, it can fill-up quickly
  • 16 GB EXT2 for /tmp
  • 16 GB Swap (fallback)
  • 100% BTRFS for /var/lib/qubes

What about

Is that something I have to prep during install or only later while creating qubes ?

Any news on that ?

Hi Erica,

Sorry for the delay, been busy with things that I couldn’t get out of and couldn’t get to my PC dor a while.

Moving Windows does work in general, there may be something you have set up in there that is restricting you.
I would suggest you edit the registry and set it to boot on all systems. I think that is what you may be missing.
I’ll find that entry later today sometime.

Fresh Installs do work, I have done it many times.
I’ll build one and give you a link to download it if you would like.
What version of Windows?

It is something that is set up after, as they don’t really let you do it normally.

The speeds for running the virtual system would be just fine. You should only notice a small difference in speeds.
As long as your system can pass through things correctly it shuold be fine.

There are multiple ways to do things, just finding the best way is hard. But I do understand that you have much faster hardware than myself, so me testing may be near to pointless?
But I know that you want it to be fast enguoh, so if I get the settings that are fastest on my PC, then it will be good for you, I hope.

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Don’t be sorry :slight_smile: I’m the one in need, and I certainly appreciate what you (and otehrs) are doing to help, I,m definitely not “expecting”, just hoping …

The Win10 I’m using is a version I’ve moved around, from laptop to laptops, from disk to disk, it is very likely I’ve broke (typical me) a thing or two in the process.
But the fact that I can’t install even a fresh one on that USB makes me think it is one the usb side, not on the current version
USB-C (plugged in the thunder-something and plugged in the regular doesn’t change)
An entry in the Reg. to boot everywhere ? oh, I had no idea, I would totally try that ! (although now I’m kinda bnt to the idea to just have it as a qube)

I have win10 pro, and my USB-C encased NVMe is 512Gb

Ok noted, thank you !
What about the XX GB partition for /var/log, is that something I should worry about ? I’ve broken my MX23 because of two 48GB files in my log which prevented me from loging in, so I deleted them and re-created empty files of the same name, then I was able to log, but now my MX23 is acting erratically

I’m down for trying at least. If it works, I will remove the current Win10 install and get the partition to be used for Qube, if it doesn,t, then I will keep it as-is and boot into win10 the few times I need to.

I will certainly need help setting up the passthrough for dedicatiing my Gproc and Vram to the Win10 qubes

Yes, you are in need and I’m trying to help s best I can, then things happen that take me away for a few days. So I do apologise for that because I’m the one that was trygin to help and get things sorted quickly.

There is a key in the registry you need to change depending on how it boots and all, and resetting it to the generic defaults makes Windows just boot on any system boot functionality, EFI or not.
Just the way the systems handle USB booting is all. I found that it allows it to work anywhere.
I did the similar things with Windows 7 to make a fully portable Windows 7 USB that I could boot on any PC, EFI or not. Everyone I spoke to said it couldn’t be done.

Pro is fine, that’s the one I have on my USB that I have been using for years.
There are multiple ways to build it. It can be done using Qubes as well. And it doesn’t get picked up as a USB, because you install directly.

I never have logs as it’s own partition on Qubes, there is no need.
As long as you have Log Rotation turned on, you won’t have an issue.
It splits the log off daily (or how ever often you want) and archive it, then allows writing to more.
So I’ve never had issues with that sort of log file. (large)
I’ve normally set it to split at size too just incase that ever happens when I’m testing and debugging my code.