Quick update for anyone who might be following this: while my current implementation works as expected in R4.1, some troubleshooting seems to be necessary in R4.2. Help testing is welcome!
opened 02:33PM - 25 Mar 24 UTC
_Opening this issue as a placeholder for @ben-grande's sake. I'll add details (i… ncluding the full error message) when I've time to investigate further, but help is welcome!_
The default Salt configuration in R4.2 doesn't seem to allow `qvm-tags-in-pillar` and `qvm-features-in-pillar` to work.
I'm not sure what changed since R4.1, but the pillar extensions are consistently reported as "not found" in my early testing.
If anyone was able to confirm this, that would be a great first step towards documenting and troubleshooting the issue so that it can be fixed either upstream if the change of behaviour wasn't intentional, or here if adjustments to those two states are needed.