Opening more programs in running disposable Appvm?

Hmmm… Perhaps we need to be a little clearer on the definitions? Is this correct?

  • srcVM: Part 1: The qube that contains the attachment/document to be opened (edited/viewed).

  • srcVM: Part 2: Also in its settings contains the Default DisposableVM Template.

  • Default DisposableVM Template: The template qube to use for the created dispVM (duh! :slight_smile: ).

  • dispVM: The qube created on-the-fly. Also the targetVM.

@deeplow : If I understand you correctly, you would like an enhancement to change “Default DisposableVM Template” to “Default DisposableVM”, which could be either a Named dispVM or a DisposableVM Template. In the former case the Named dispVM would be (re-)used; in the latter case a new dispNNNN would be created each time, as now.

While only DisposableVM Templates are in the drop-down list in the Qubes Manager, interestingly qvm-prefs allows specifying a Named dispVM - but unfortunately it doesn’t take and actually resets the Default DisposableVM Template to None, without displaying any error - likely a bug?

@Sven : He may be asking if a set of entries is possible like:

vm1 $dispvm default_target=nameddispvm1forvm1
vm2 $dispvm default_target=nameddispvm2forvm2

Or I may just be confused! :slight_smile: